Reclaiming Humility and Humanness in Art, Spirituality, Awakening, and Life

by Arena Heidi, ASI member

I have lived my life from a feeling of equality with all beings and want to resurrect and make popular old-fashioned values like humility and respect. In March of 2021, I wrote about the value of promoting humble and vulnerable art. A year later I felt moved to expand what I’d written to include the realm of spiritual awakening. Through spiritual writing and teaching, I advocate for equality and integrity, and work to evolve formats that support equality both within hierarchical structures and also as an alternative to hierarchy entirely.

GuruTube: Navigating the Variability of YouTube Teachings

by John Lindsey, ASI Member

With the rise of the internet over the past three decades, a massive amount of information is now at the fingertips of nearly two-thirds of the total world population. Spiritual teachings are no exception to this and are widely distributed to—and by—a varied and diverse audience. This is wonderful, as teachings which had remained esoteric for millennia are finally available to the public and have encouraged the growth and acceptance of spirituality beyond its traditional religious associations and rituals. On the other hand, this accessibility can easily lead one into spiritual cul de sacs or alleyways that might not have been possible with less available teachings.

How To Be A 21st Century Wisdom Teacher (And Why You Need A Footstool Not Pedestal To Be One)

The dangers of becoming a spiritual teacher—and how to avoid them by developing peer-powered embodied wisdom to match our awakened minds By Nick Jankel Author, Keynote Speaker, Leadership Theorist, Transformational Coach, Wisdom Teacher, Co-Creator of Bio-Transformation Theory & Practice® The Dangers of Spiritual Teaching I am clear that most wisdom teachers, spiritual teachers, come to […]

The Student-Teacher/Guru Relationship

Written by Lorell Frysh.

The Purpose
The role of the spiritual teacher or guru is to mirror and reflect the true nature of awareness. The teacher’s presence should remind the student of their own essential nature.

It is the love for the guru and the freedom that he/she represents, that triggers the unfolding of the spiritual journey.

The whole of the success and validity of the relationship depends on who the teachers and who the students are, and on what each of them is willing to bring to the relationship.

The Value of Discernment

In this video clip, part of a larger interview, Adyashanti talks about one of his central pillars, not abdicating authority. Discernment is important in our relationship with spiritual teachers. Ethics matter.

Trauma as Spiritual Potential

This article, written by Helen W. Mallon, points toward the need for a broader discussion on the topic of trauma. We hope this stimulates your thoughts and encourages a fresh conversation in the comments below this blog post about trauma within the context of spiritual teaching and guidance: Try telling a goldfish that it’s wet. Assuming you speak its fishy language, it’ll probably say you’re nuts. The water it depends on is so inextricable from its goldfish self that it can’t perceive water as a separate thing. It’s like what the spiritual teacher Adyashanti says about enlightenment. Our consciousness is our arena for awakening, yet consciousness so permeates our being that we can’t feel or grasp it. We can’t experience how obvious enlightenment is until our preconceptions are utterly confounded. The goldfish has to be tossed out of the bowl.

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