This presentation outlined the relationship between how individuals evolve on the relative side of life—and what our growing up process has in common with the paths of Sacred Realization.
- Learn how our identity evolves through the developmental stages of our life
Including an Introduction to development and how it cycles through three tiers of evolution. Also including a brief exploration of your own evolution and development through your life
- Gain an understanding of how spiritual states and developmental stages intersect
State growth and STAGES growth have a very similar process. One can’t grow up without waking up, and waking up is realized more and more deeply as we grow up and develop. - Realize how learning adult development increases compassion, wisdom and skillful means
Exploring how compassion, wisdom and skillful means that are highlighted in the spiritual path, grow up (deeper, wider and higher)with one’s development.
About Our Guest Speaker

TERRI O’FALLON PhD is a researcher, teacher, coach, spiritual director and designer of transformative containers. She is a leader on the frontier of transformational change in organizations and individuals and does ongoing research on the Integral STAGES developmental model which supports a MetAware tier with four later levels of development.
Her interests lie in the living experiments of evolutionary human systems, and levels of development from cradle to grave.
Terri is a partner of STAGES International, which creates programs based on the STAGES model. Terri holds Masters degrees in Special Education, in Spiritual direction and an Integral PhD in Transformative Learning and Change.
Ordinariness continues to bring her home to the practical living, breathing appreciation of the simple things in life. We wake up every morning. We grow up, quite naturally. We live through joys and sorrows, We grow old. What remains is listening, gratitude, compassion, love, forgiveness, and generosity—lifelong lessons that never seem to end.
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