Topic: ASI Community Discussion: Navigating Respect Amidst the Rise of Cancel Culture
Date: 3, June 2024
Time: 11:00 am – 12:30 pm Pacific Time Zone
Cancel culture is the practice of publicly rejecting, boycotting, or ending support for people or groups because an individual believes another’s views or actions are unacceptable. It is often acted out on social media in the form of group or individual shaming. When well motivated with valid critique, it has been used for good. Other times, online shaming has been taken too far without context, ruined lives, and created lasting damage.
Join our conversation as we wade into the paradoxical questions:
What are the benefits and pitfalls of the cancel culture that seems so prevalent in today’s society?
How do we remain respectful in the midst of cancel culture popularity?
If we are the target, how do we respond to and support our humanness in the barrage of online accusations that may or may not be valid?
When do we defend ourselves?
What does our practice tell us to do?
When others we might know are the target, what do we feel and how do we respond? Can we do better?
Let’s engage in discussion to explore these complexities and strive for better understanding and constructive approaches.